mardi 9 septembre 2014

May the force be with you*!



               ladies and 

                              gentlemen,  picture me, 10 years from now, I am of course taller and incredibly handsome !  I’m  studying advanced space teleportation at the University of Zorg on the planet Xion located in the outer galaxies. 

One night, while I’m out partying with my friends, I am attacked by a rogue alien brandishing a lightsabre. He demands my Google brain chip which he wants to sell on the black market. Of course, I am unwilling to part with my brain chip as not only does it have my assignments on it but I’ve just downloaded Minecraft version 11.7.2 with all the mods ! 

Luckily, with the skills I learnt on planet Earth as an 11 years old I am able to deflect his lighsabre and retain my brain chip.

I am able to protect my-self in this way because of the self-defense skills I am currently learning at Nexus Mixed Martial Arts which I attend at least twice a week. This is something that I love to do.

I am currently the fourth highest rank in my class, brown belt with 2 black stripes and I got 95% at ma last graduation.

Along with the never ending push-ups, sits ups, thrust squats and kicks that we seem to do almost every lesson, our instructor Brad teaches us how to defend ourselves in any situation.
(Given the above scenario I will also be suggesting that we would should learn how to deflect lightsabres in ne not toot distant future !).

Whatever the future brings, for life here on earth or in galaxy far, far away, I believe that my self-defense skills will help me in whatever situation I get myself into !


            ladies and 

                    gentlemen...may the force be with you !

Par Alexander, notre petit écrivain australien. 12 ans.

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